Take cover right away. There are still two guards in the hangar who can raise the alarm. Neutralize them and retrieve the intel. Remember, you can drag them outside and use the Fulton to send them to Mother Base and strengthen your forces.
Getting out of the Power Plant unnoticed is no easy task. Several guards are positioned right outside the door. Scan the grate to identify as many as possible.
Use your silenced pistol to take them out, then proceed along the left side of the canyon, carefully neutralizing enemies as you move. Head toward the Central Base Camp next. You'll pass through three guard posts, so stay alert while driving or galloping down the road to the Base Camp!
Upon reaching the Afghanistan Base Camp, you'll face an open-air base significantly larger than any infiltration area you've encountered so far in the game. Approach the hangar with extreme caution. If you're spotted in the open, the entire base will go on high alert, making the rescue much harder. Should you be detected, retreat behind one of the large hangars, sneak to a safe spot, and wait for the alarm to subside before proceeding.
You can usually enter the base safely by sneaking along the right side of the gully, then crawling under the pipe to reach the field. The Walkers may look intimidating, but as long as you avoid their line of sight, they aren’t too much of a threat and can be easily disabled from behind. Emmerich is in the large hangar silo on the western side of the Base Camp. Enter through the blue door at the front (you can sneak past the guards), as the red doors on the rear and sides are locked.
After the cutscene, loot the lab and grab Emmerich's prototype Walker gear. Then, pick him up and make a run for it—he can't be extracted using the Fulton, so you'll need to carry him. Do not escape through the north exit of the base, as this will result in mission failure. You must leave through the main entrance on the south side of the base to successfully complete the mission.
As you head to the LZ, the chopper will come under fire from several soldiers near the entrance. Put Emmerich down temporarily and neutralize the soldiers before they can take down the chopper! Your rank will take a significant hit if the chopper is destroyed, so don’t overlook this threat. Once the area is clear, proceed to the LZ where you'll encounter Skull Face and Sahelanthropus.
After the cutscene, rush to the LZ and call in the chopper. Use the stones to shield yourself from the mech, keeping solid rock between you and it as much as possible. Try to lure the mech away from the LZ, drawing its attention away from the chopper to ensure a safe extraction.
Be cautious of the mech's pylon-hand, which can break through solid stone. Distract it to create an opening, then sneak onto the chopper with Emmerich. Once you're aboard, the mech will start firing rockets at the chopper, so quickly grab the mini-gun and start shooting to defend yourself and ensure a safe escape.
After you take out the rockets, the robot will make a massive leap toward you, so be ready to unleash a barrage of bullets at it. Once the robot is down, the mission will be complete.