Your primary objective in this mission is to locate and extract the truck. Start by heading to the marked outpost. Upon your arrival, you'll discover that the truck is missing. However, don’t leave just yet, as there’s an intel file inside the tent that you can collect.
Once again, this is quite straightforward. Use your IntScope to mark the truck positioned in the middle of the convoy to complete this objective. After you've collected the intel file from inside the tent, make your way to the airport. A strategic location to set up is near the jeep where four soldiers are waiting. Take them out quietly, and once the convoy approaches, you can ambush it effectively. Keep in mind that if you make a direct run for the truck, it will trigger the boss fight, which will eliminate all other hostiles in the area, including those driving the armored vehicles. So, plan your approach carefully to maintain control of the situation.
Once the Skulls spawn, take them out. While it’s not strictly necessary to eliminate them, doing so will make the mission significantly easier, especially if you don’t have the Wormhole Fulton at your disposal. Since all the vehicles are now empty, you can hop into them and use them to assist in defeating the Skulls. This will give you an advantage and help you manage the chaos more effectively.
The Skulls can destroy vehicles quickly, so make sure to get as many shots off as possible before they do. If you can eliminate even two of them, it will make the fight significantly easier. If you find yourself running out of vehicles, switch to your launchers or other high-powered weapons and unload on the Skulls. Keep in mind that they have substantial health and armor, especially on Extreme difficulty, so be prepared for a prolonged battle. Stay focused and persistent to come out on top!
Once the Skulls are defeated, proceed to extract the truck, and your mission will be complete. If you have the Wormhole Fulton, you can skip the fight entirely, as it allows for the safe extraction of the truck without the risk of it being shot down. This makes for a much smoother and less stressful mission!